Monday, February 9, 2009

can u say...tired?!

man, last night was a wild one! at first i thought it was going to b a great night...boy was i mistaken.

at about 9pm, she was totally asleep. i jumped in the shower and marcus was just cuddling with her n the bed watching old CSI episodes until I got out. We laid her in her cosleeper, and thats when the fun began. She started crying, and we tried feeding her, but she would only take about an ounce. We swaddled her and put her down...she screamed and screamed...i picked her up and rocked her. never stoped screaming. i thought, ok, gas probably. so i burped her and burped her...she never burped and just kept a screaming. so i got marcus to get her bouncer. that worked fora bout 4.5 seconds. then we got the swing. again....maybe 30 min nap and then screaming again! if i picked her up and cuddled real tight, she'd fall right to sleep...but as soon as i laid her down, weither she was snoring in my arms or not...the screaming started again. so, at 1:30, i decided a bath was the only thing that may help at this point. so i gave her a very warm bath...which she screamed through. i put on her nighttime lotion...warm nightgown...cute little socks...and swaddled her up...finally snoring...finallly asleep at about 2. then, up again at 3 to eat! blah...i was truly exhausted!!! then she fell right to sleep after her bottle...and slept until about 7.

it was the hardest night by far we have had since she was born, but we made it through! and although marcus is going to come home exhausted from work, and we will all be in bed early tonight...we made it. this time. ttyl

1 comment:

  1. Ahh love it is going to be okay. These nights will happen. And as moms we have to tough them out. You can do everything in the world, and they still cry. Try not to get to upset, cause they actually sense that or something. I think it's true. Just try the cereal bottle and see if that helps. Motherhood is one continuous day at a :)
