Tuesday, February 10, 2009

whoa..she got me thinking...

ok so a couple weeks ago i got back in touch with a really good friend of mine. we lost touch a good minute ago - id say probably o geez at least 5 years. anyways, we got to talking about some of her hopes in life...(dont wanna b spreading her buisness or anything...) but anyways, in a part of the conversation, miss cc came up in the convo and she said something that kinda got me thinking...see i talk about cc so much & from what i got out of the conversation, it seemed as though she felt that i had lost myself in the process of becoming a mom.

that made me think a lot. i mean, the person i was, and the person i am now are def different pl but that has to b part of the territory of becoming a new mom. however, i dont wanna lose who i am because i am trying to b a great mom. so, lets figure out just who i am.

lol...the first thing that came to mind is mom. im a mom.

furthormore, im a wife. lover, a good one if i can toot my own horn lol, a worrier, a cook, a house keeper, a pacifier getter, a blogger...but all of these things are things i DO, not who i am...lets try this again

im very passionate, caring, jealous, not so patient, very emotional, easy-going, easily presuade, dont stand up for myself enough, peace keeper, ...and right now i have to b a diaper changer...ill finish this later

1 comment:

  1. It's okay to be wrapped up in becoming a new mommy. When you 1st got married, you were wrapped up in being a wife, right? As we grow and go through life, our priorities change and that sometimes mean that we change too. For the record, I love you just the way you are... aside from all that yucky sex talk!
