Sunday, February 8, 2009

You know you're a mommy when...

well, i've been thinking a lot about how life has totally changed since having Cadence and i decided to write this little thing to make other moms laugh...and moms to be know what they are getting into! lol here goes...

You know you're a mommy when...

*you understand what it's like to be up at 2am NOT drunk or partying

*you know what true love truly is

*you can walk around with spit up on your shoulder, and not even notice the smell or the wetness until that night when you take it off to shower

*you hear your baby whimper and it wakes u up when before, u could sleep through a tornado

*you & your husband truly understand the meaning of a "quickie"

*you get more excited about seeing your childs face then your favorite tv shows

*speaking of TV shows, you watch all of your favs in the middle of the night, during feedings off of your DVR

*you can remember the exact moment you fed your child last, changed their diaper, etc. but you dont remember the last time you brushed your teeth!

*your legs are hairier than they have ever been - and neither you nor your husband notice lol

*you can grocery shop, which adding up all the prices to make sure u dont go over budget, and carry your child the entire time

*you spend your extra time just sitting there, totally exhausted, waiting for the next cry.

*you know exactly how much house work u can get done between naps

i could go on for days probably lol but im sure u get the drift...i'll prolly do a phase 2 later. this is good for now. ttyl

1 comment:

  1. You know you are a mommy when you dig in your purse for a pen and pull out a PACI!
